How to Write a Research Paper on Racial Profiling

October 19, 2017 support
How to Write a Research Paper on Racial Profiling

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Research Paper on Racial Profiling

How to Write a Research Paper on Racial Profiling

How to start a research paper on racial profiling

A research paper on racial profiling is either argumentative or informative. Therefore, students should use concrete evidence to support their points. Besides, students should be prepared well to write such research papers to gain high grades. Thus, it is essential for students to discover the researchable topic on racial profiling, narrow and focus the topic to give clear information. Besides, find the sources for information and select those that are updated with current information that is relevant. On a separate note, group all the information in a sequence and document the information in a clear outline. To accomplish all the highlighted points, students should focus on the following tips.

Tips on how to start

  • Brainstorm and select a topic on racial profiling
  • Research information regarding the subject from books, journals, magazine, and internets
  • Write a thesis statement for the research paper
  • Draft an outline for the research paper
  • Accurately gather notes and organize them according to the outline
  • Write the draft
  • Revise the draft and outline

Example of outline

Topic: Benefits of racial profiling


  • Give background on racial profiling
  • Writers then should close the introduction with thesis statement regarding the topic


  • Illegal immigration
  • Discrimination of Mexicans and Hispanics
  • Unfair arrests and imprisonment
  • Blacks versus whites
  • Increase in ethnicity and racial prejudice


  • Give a summary
  • Restate a thesis statement
  • State your position
  • Give the final statement
  • Provide direction for the reader

Example of a thesis

Racial profiling is a form of discrimination against people of color by the law enforcers who use it to fight illegal immigration, drug smuggling, and arrests among others.

Example of an introduction

In today’s society, people exhibit a lot of challenges whenever interacting with others. Almost everybody tends to believe any news conveyed in media hence sway the attitude towards liked and disliked in a given situation. One challenge that people face is racial profiling. The behavior is an inclusion of ethnic or racial characteristics towards a person of color. Separately, it is the use of a character in determining whether a person belongs to a particular outlawed group or commit a crime. For example, most people believe that Muslim communities are associated with terrorism. On other occasions, the minority in the society especially the blacks feel that they are usually targeted by the police officers and courts. In the USA for instance, African Americans face arrest by police officers and imprisonment more than their white colleagues. Media escalates information regarding the controversies on the racial profile to the extent that people have different perceptions regarding the vice. Racial profiling is a form of discrimination against people of color by the law enforcers who use it to fight illegal immigration, drug smuggling, and arrests among others.

How to write body paragraphs for a research paper on racial profiling

Body paragraphs usually direct the research papers on the main points and ideas. Therefore, students should ensure that the body paragraphs are informative with a good outline that is flexible; also it should relay information in order from the main point to the least important point. Besides, all the information should be cited correctly with proper integration of the sources in the discussion. Furthermore, the student should give summary, explanations, and analysis of the published articles instead of reporting the information from such sources. Also, provide a varying level that commences from generalization to detailed description and then back to generalization. The following tips henceforth give the students clue on the best way of presenting the body of a research paper.

Tips on body writing

  • Write the first idea in a sentence for for the first paragraph
  • Note the supporting points for the first idea
  • Provide a detailed elaboration of the points supporting your idea
  • Give evidence and examples to support the points strongly
  • Repeat the procedure in other paragraphs with different points
  • Use transitions to link the paragraphs with the thesis statement

Example of the first body paragraph

Racial profiling is majorly practiced in the USA, and the police mainly apply it to fish out illegal immigrants. However, the law enforcers overstep the mandate to discriminate other races especially Mexicans as well as Hispanics. For example, the law enforcers continue to pull over Hispanics along the Mexico border to capture illegal immigrants arriving in the USA. Besides, the enforcers of the law such as police officers take advantage and search for only the minority groups who are in high-crime towns. For example, Arizona state allowed officers to determine the immigration status of a person whenever such a person is arrested or during lawful routine traffic checks in major highways.

Example of the second body paragraph

Secondly, racial profiling promotes unlawful arrests and imprisonment. The act directly targets blacks who are harassed by law enforcers compared to whites. The majority of the communities where blacks reside in the USA are prone to high tensions between the police officers and people of color. In most cases, African-Americans face more arrests and imprisonment compared to their white colleagues who commit the same crime. In a metropolitan city with different people, more culprits arrested in such cities tend to be people of color or blacks. Besides, the numbers of black in prisons are more than whites for a similar crime. Lastly, blacks are more likely to face highway stop search and checking than the whites due to racial profiling.

Example of the third body paragraph

Besides, racial profiling continues to be enforced in the law especially in the USA only to promote ethnicity and prejudice. In most cases, police officers tend pulling drivers and motorists due to their races then search the vehicles for any illegal activity. Such activities even though happened during the WWII where thousands of Japanese immigrants and Japanese-Americans were placed in camps in the USA despite the majority of them being American citizens. The Japanese-Americans or immigrants had no breaches of the law. However, they were discriminated based on their race. Such activities were noted in the recent past especially during the war on terrorism. Consequently, many Japanese were arrested in the USA and detained by the federal police for questioning that led to harassments based on ethnicity and race.

How to finish a research paper on racial profiling

Research papers with elaborative conclusions provide summaries of the points in the paper body with the well-crafted position of the author. Besides, the student should elaborate on the importance of the findings with adding up points that elaborate on the importance. Furthermore, the student should shift the essay from the detailed perspective to generalization aspect with the course of action at the end of the essay.

Tips on conclusion writing

A student should have an outstanding conclusion of a research paper on racial profiling elaborating precisely his or her point of view regarding the topic. Therefore, it is essential to follow the below tips.

  • Provide a summary of the research paper
  • Reiterate the thesis statement in your own words
  • Give an overview of the main points elaborated in the body paragraphs
  • State your position regarding the topic
  • Answer the ‘So what?’ question

Example of a conclusion

Racial profiling in real sense does not enhance law enforcement to curb illegal activities. The law enforcers in most cases turn a blind eye on the actual procedure for using the act. The officers are supposed to detain any suspect on any suspicious behavior using the action. Instead of following predetermined mindset on race or ethnic prejudice to arrest suspects. Thus, the act is immoral and violates a person’s freedom and in the long run, does not benefit even the law enforcers. The above-stated evidence indicates that the use of racial profiling is purely on discrimination against the race by the law enforcers in their quest for fighting illegal activities. Therefore, the governments should design new measures of identifying criminal activities such as identification of drug smugglers and illegal immigrants instead of using racial profiling technique. Besides, the proper way of data collection concerning racial profiling will be the best way to eradicate the act.

Tips on research paper revision

Revision of a research paper gives the paper its strength. Therefore, students should concentrate on revision in order to give the paper a rewarding grade. When performing a revision, students should add information that is relevant to the topic, delete irrelevant information, clarify different sections of the paper, examine the content of the paper and proofread the whole paper. Besides, the writer should inform the reader about the main points, address the audience appropriately using the simplest vocabularies, provide the main purpose of the paper and ensure that evidence supports the thesis statement. Lastly, the conclusion should be effective and has no errors. Therefore, students should follow the below tips to conduct revision.

  • Read the research essay aloud and correct the errors of grammar, spelling, and sentence
  • Invite a friend or a family member to read the essay and correct the various mistakes in
    the essay
  • Follow the instructions are provided by the tutor
  • Use simple format and outline for the final paper
  • Use Grammarly software to correct unnoticed errors, spelling mistakes, vocabularies and poor sentence structures

Final Thoughts

Race has always been a sensitive topic in the country. In modern times, due to the progressive approach and the success of movements like BLM, students need to practice caution in delving into these topics. However, racial profiling is still a practice in law enforcement due to the fact that there is disparity among people. In this guide, we have provided all the necessary tools for students to come up with the best titles and structure for an essay on the pros and cons of racial profiling. WriteMyEssay can provide well-written essays and papers on a wide range of topics. Feel free to place your order today!